Dream speciality
Hello! Tonight I am going to quickly discuss what it means for a physician assistant to pick a speciality and what kind of field I would like to hopefully pick to specialize in. Many PAs pick a specific area that they would like to work in, and this is usually acquired during the rotation process of their major (at least at Duquesne). This is a very convenient aspect of the physican assistant program at Duquesne because the ability to learn more about specialty areas of medicine is integrated right into a semester's curriculum. There are 7 rotations total (pediatrics, surgery, OBGYN, etc.) and the final rotation is chosen by the PA student. This part of the rotation set-up is another factor that attracted me to the program at Duquesne. So in the end, if I am lucky, I will hopefully be picked up the hospital/practice that I am assigned for my last rotation. Growing up, I always wanted to specialize in surgery and try to work in an emergency room. Recently, how...