Shadowing Experience

Today I wanted to start my first official blog post by reflect on a shadowing experience that I had at the LifeCare Hospital in Wilkinsburg, PA! I worked with a former graduate from the Physician Assistant program at Duquesne named Alex. We met with several patients and she explained the process of seeing and documenting patients in different areas of the hospital. There were several patients that we saw which required us to dress in full protective wear (gown, mask, gloves).

At one point, Alex even let me touch and evaluate a patient's bed wound. The wound was so severe that it had bore through all layers of the patient's skin and had reached her bone. The patient was in severely suffering and was crying out from her pain. Alex remained calm however, and explained clearly and effectively to the patient how the hospital staff was going to take care of the wound. That made the patient calm down and stop crying out. This interaction served to be very eye-opening for me because I was able to see how important it is to remain calm in alarming and difficult situations with patients.

I really enjoyed actually preforming hands-on work in the healthcare setting with Alex (before I had only volunteered in a hospital and barely had any patient interaction). I also realized that I need to strengthen my skills of interacting with patients because sometimes I felt timid or nervous when introducing myself or helping Alex explain part of patients' care plans. Although, I am confident that this skill will strengthen over time with more experience in my field. All-in-all, it was a great experience and I hope to shadow other Physician Assistants in the future!

Thanks for reading and until next time!



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